Monday, November 30, 2015

Introduction to the Infancy Narratives of Luke 1.1-2.52
Overview of John the Baptist and Jesus…and Us
Monday, November 30, 2015 
            The infancy narrative in the gospel of Luke begins with Zechariah performing his priestly duties in the Temple, and it ends with Jesus impressing the teachers by listening to them and asking them questions – also in the Temple.  The births of these two babies were both miraculous; Elizabeth was old and barren, and Mary’s baby was conceived by the Holy Spirit.  When Zechariah was told about the upcoming birth of his son John, he was unable to speak due to his disbelief.  However, when she sees Elizabeth, Mary soon sings the beautiful Magnificat.  John the Baptist represents the Old Covenant of the law, and Jesus, the New Covenant of grace and love.  John’s heritage is priestly, whereas Jesus earthly family was from the kingly tradition of David.  It is interesting to me that David as well as Joseph and his family both began their lives as commoners.  However, there were leaders in their midst, David of Judah and Jesus of heaven and ultimately the earth.
            I had never thought of these comparisons before, but they speak volumes to me about both the humanity as well as the divinity of Jesus.  However, they also challenge me: Who am I like?  Zechariah, performing my duties in the church according to the letter of the law, but not accepting the miracle of God speaking to me?  Or like Jesus, increasing in wisdom and in favor with God and people (Luke 2.52)?  Who am I like? Silent and unable to speak of God’s work in my life and in the world like Zechariah?  Or like Mary who believes God and beautifully magnifies the Lord in her soul?  Who am I like?  John the Baptist, representing the Old Covenant of law and legalism?  Or like Jesus, the New Covenant of grace and love?

            May we all, both me and you, consider who we are like.

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